Samael Newgate





  • python scikit-learn tensorflow opencv tkinter pandas numpy


  • flutter dart firebase firestone adobexd


PART 1 :

My Full name is Samael Newgate and I'm a full-stack web/app developer with a passion for A.I. I've recently graduated from the University of Advancing Technology and the Thinkful Bootcamp. While I was at UAT I received three degrees: a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence along with an Associates in Data Science. My experience at UAT was extremely helpful towards me understanding the fundamentals and creating a foundation for me to expand upon. I went from creating a very basic console log project application to getting the opportunity to work on big projects like a full-stack framework for a Neuropathy College.  This full-stack framework project was the first project to allow me to bring all my knowledge into one place. It allowed me to finally see everything connected in a very professional and visually appealing way. As for Thinkful, I completed the Full-Stack Engineer course which was challenging yet rewarding. It forced me to work at a very fast pace. This pushed me to learn the basic concepts along with very complex concepts with short deadlines and strict rules/requirements. Thanks to this, I was able to develop upon the great foundation UAT helped me create.Which I believe has set me on the perfect track to grow as a great developer.


PART 2 :

The root of my love for this field comes from being involved with computers and anything computer-related from a very young age (7) which I  plan to continue for the rest of my life. But this isn't my only interest, I enjoy anything that challenges me and or requires me to think differently/outside the box. Becoming a greater problem solver is my top priority on top of everything else. Other interests I have include mixed martial arts and video games. Which I believe can help with avast majority of things like problem-solving skills and decision making, just to name a few. I enjoy both individually working and team-based environments as both are equally important in my eyes because they force you to function from different points of view. Finally, another one of my main interests is innovation/uniqueness. Which I believe the web/app and A.I. field have a huge potential for. I don’t believe those fields have reached their full potential yet or are even close. This is something I believe I can bring to the table.Finding an easier and optimized bridge between websites and apps with the implementation of A.I to produce a better product for the users. All of this wrapped with great attention for detail, leadership, and professionalism I developed through my time serving in the United States Marine Corps.


PART 3 :

As of right now, my main objective is to continue learning and becoming a better developer for myself and the company I work for. In order to do this, I need to continue challenging myself to expand my knowledge in the field. This can either be done through my future employments and/or pet projects. I plan to continue to be involved with the community through Slack, Discord, GitHub and Stack Overflow and contribute as much as I can in order to push these technologies forward since I believe the best way to innovate is to work together.