Samael Newgate


Smart Explorers

Objectives Met: #1, #3, #4, #5

Genetic and evolutionary algorithm made from scratch using Python to help multiple AIs navigate through obstacles in a swarm manner. Using Pygame to visually display the algorithms along with a GUI made on Tkinter to give the user options.


AI Swarm

Objectives Met: #1, #3, #4, #5

Making and combining a swarm and flocking algorithm from scratch. Using obstacles to break the AI apart and watch the algorithms regroup them. Visualization made use PyGame.


SCNM Project

Objectives Met: #2, #3

A framework to help aid a neuropathy college teach and practice diagnosing, and logging patient information with a fully responsive React design to allow the user to take it on the go and view/use it on any device.Front end is React, JavaScript, JSX. Back end is Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB. Fully documented with burn-down charts, diagrams, etc.


Spider Swarm

Project Name: #2, #3, #4, #5

Mounting a RPi, motors, camera and an ultrasonic sensor on a 3D printed spider. Using ML and AI to navigate through obstacles. Has a Flask web-server to run different commands.Full documented with burn-down charts, scrums stand-ups, OPPM, etc.


JavaScript Face Recognition

Objectives Met: #3, #4, #5

Using JavaScript to recognize expressions, age, gender with live face tracking. Also able to label faces through images.


Reversed LinkedList

Objectives Met: #3, #6

Reversing a Linked List from scratch using C++. With manual tests and documentation included in repository.


Sorting Algorithms

Objectives Met: #1, #2, #6,

Multiple sorting algorithms made from scratch on C++. Manually coded tests. Documentation includes, benchmark tests, results, explanation of the algorithms used, code breakdown and much more.